Dandenong Ranges & Lysterfield Hills Meridian
The Dandenong Ranges are one of Melbourne’s favourite playgrounds and walks in the parks some of its key attractions. This map guide will provide the information you need to explore the parks and enjoy some of Victoria’s world-famous scenery. From Mt Dandenong and its great views of Melbourne, walks through lush fern gullies and tall eucalypt forests, to finding cosy places for afternoon tea or sampling the local produce, this map will guide you there. Full of interesting information about the parks and the activities available for you to do in this first comprehensive map of the Dandenongs Ranges and Lysterfield Hills.
The map covers:
• Dandenong Ranges National Park
• Lysterfield Park
• Churchill National Park
• All the ranges gardens and picnic grounds
• The Dandenong Ranges Trail and other long-distance walks
Edition 1