Brisbane, Gold Coast & Sunshine Coast UBD Street Directory
This Brisbane Street Directory offers clear, comprehensive mapping at the best scale this directory is an essential tool when navigating your way around Brisbane and its surrounding suburbs including comprehensive sections for the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. If you have not updated your directory for 3 years you will be missing road upgrades, new suburbs and over 400 new streets.
As well as the many new streets included in the directory there is an easy to read street index with over 59,000 street listings. There is also a suburbs and localities listing including postcodes, and over 9,000 facilities listed. CBD maps at a scale of 1:5 000 and an index to buildings for these maps, main road maps covering from Boreen Point in the north to Mooball (NSW) in the south, a bridge clearance heights listing, and eleven state maps with an index to towns.
On the Gold Coast there are further developments in the suburbs of Coomera, Logan Reserve, Maudsland, Park Ridge and Yarrabilba.
On the Sunshine Coast the are two new maps covering the suburbs of Nirimba and Banya. There are further developments in Baringa, Birtinya, Pelican Waters and Sippy Downs plus the upgrades to the Bruce Highway.
Edition 69