
Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan ITMB


This travel reference map of Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan by ITMB is @ 1:1,580,000 & 1:3,000,000 and is double sided.

The ‘Stans’ of the former Soviet empire are difficult to map because in the aftermath of liberation, most place names, which the Russian overlords had Russified were changed – and not always to their original names or former spellings. Time has sorted out most nomenclature problems.  The two countries seem to share certain common characteristics, as do the other three more easterly Stans, so combining similarities is better for end users than keeping separate sheets for each country. 

This ITMB map of Uzbekistan & Kazakhstan by ITMB gives a clear guide to these two neighbouring countries.  It provides a detailed index and legend as well as city maps of Astana, Almaty,Tashkent & Samarkand.  An essential tool for planning an adventurous trip to an exciting destination.

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